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来源:渭南市科学技术局 发布时间:2020-01-30 00:00

Dear foreign experts:


Due tothe outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV),ShaanxiProvincehasactivated a levelIemergency responsefor public health eventsince 25rd January.Hereby, we advocate the followingpracticesto all international expertsin Shaanxi.


I.Please strengthen self-protectionand prevention. Keep good hygiene habits and paying attention to handsand mouth hygiene,washing your hands often.Cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue or your flexed elbow.Dispose of used masks appropriately.Maintain proper ventilation and keep rooms clean.


II. Minimize outdoor activities. Avoid crowed places, parties and group activities. Correctly wear a mask (preferably, a surgical mask) if you have to go and attend one. If you have mild to severe respiratory symptoms of fever, cough, breathing difficulty, or fatigue, please go to a designated hospital with a mask on.


III.Pay attention to authoritative information.Follow the official website of Health Commission of Shaanxi provincefor theinformation of the novel coronavirusand designatedhospitalsthroughoutShaanxi province(http://sxwjw.shaanxi.gov.cn/). You can also refer to the news released by the National Health Committee of China(http://www.nhc.gov.cn/)to learn about the nationwide situation. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can call Health Commission of Shaanxi province’s line: 029-12320.


IV. Please join us for preventing the virus. If you have be to the infected areas such as Hubei province and returned to Shaanxi within 14 days, or if you contacted people who are from epidemic areas, please monitor your health condition closely, stay at home, and timely report to local Disease Control authorities of designated departments. If the community workers or medical staffs ask about your health, please provide them with information in a timely manner.



Department of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province

(Shaanxi Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs)